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时间:2024-03-06 作者:研究范


Onesummernight,thestarsinthesky。对于夏天唯美英文文案句子有任何问题研究范的编辑都会尽力解答。 优美句子渗透着作者的思想,成为文学中的原创力量,优美的句子像传统的文化遗产值得人类永远传承和保护。 阅读这篇文章的时候,我的内心仿佛被柔和的阳光所包围。对您一再的关注表示衷心的感谢!

1、The willows in the street seemed to be sick. The leaves were hanging with dust on the branches, and the branches did not move. The street was white, and the small vendors did not dare to shout. The plexiglass signboard at the door of the store seemed to have been suntanned.

2、Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。




6、Look at this little flower. Two sky blue petals stretch, two thin stamens rise high, and the pale yellow stamen head shakes slightly, much like a dancing butterfly.


8、Walking in the garden, the little pink flowers appear in front of us, graceful and graceful. Oh, summer is pink!

9、Everything is at a standstill. Once in a while, the deer roared and the tiger roared, and the world there temporarily stopped its progress. It broke the deep silence, and the long ending lingered, containing the fear of death and the hardships of life.

10、In midsummer, the Chinese rose is like a girl in a pink dress, dancing among the green leaves; Peony flowers are more beautiful, charming and fragrant. Those old poplar trees are also full of green, like an open green velvet umbrella.

11、That day, it was so hot. As soon as the sun came out, there was a fire on the ground. Some gray air, like clouds but not clouds or fog, floated low in the air, making people feel suffocated.

12、It was a long dry summer. The hot sun made the old loaches in the fields turn white. The brook near the village was several inches lower, and the stones exposed on the water became larger steeply.


14、The Buffalo has long been hiding in the pond, and its whole body is buried in the water. Only one head is exposed to breathe on the water.

15、One summer night, the stars twinkled in the sky, and bursts of cool wind dispelled the waste heat of the day. The earth was silent.


17、When you walk into the green and overcast bamboo path in the hot summer afternoon, you will immediately feel a refreshing pleasure. The world of mortals is gone, and you are tired without a trace. Your heart is a cool world.

18、Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1)卑贱和劣行在爱情看来都不算数,都可以被转化成美满和庄严、爱情不用眼睛辨别,而是用心灵来判断/爱用的不是眼睛,而是心。——《仲夏夜之梦》

19、In summer, when you look lazily out of the window, you can see the suffocating hot sun baking the already hot road. Although the lawn is green, there is no trace of spirit. It is not as comfortable as the withered and yellow weeds in winter.

20、Summer is coming. Who told you? Oh, it turned out to be big round green watermelons. The watermelon is also inlaid with dark green patterns, which looks like a globe reflecting each other from a distance. Take a bite, its sweet, let peoples mouth flow to the skirt all at once.
