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时间:2024-06-21 作者:研究范


“wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.”你还在查找有关的句子文案吗?常见到很多在分享一些经典的句子,通常一些复杂的含义也可以通过句子来表达,如果您对“感恩节英文祝福短信”感兴趣以下是一些有关它的实用信息。记得将这些句子整理好供日后充实阅读!

1、wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.

2、Thank you give me more tender sincerely hand in hand past does not need to look back again and again, in the love of god we nodded.

3、Had long wanted to thank you, but always embarrassed to say, to give you a clockwork SMS, thank you for your help, to love!

4、Lazy to politely and said thank you, let's to which pinch of a meal in restaurant, front teeth, how?

5、am getting hungry just thinking about it.

6、Just dig into the roast turkey.好好享受美味的感恩节火!


8、will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me.




12、A card can say more than a thousand words. Happy Thanks giving day!千言万语敌不过卡片的祝福!

13、So engaging in the place, you really have the guy. not with you playing.

14、谁言寸草心,报得三春晖!thanksgiving day who statement inch grass heart,reported in the apartments!

15、Thanksgiving day your kindness, i did not tooth unforgettable.感恩节您的恩情,我没齿难忘。

16、In the world the most precious, is sincere friendship, deep miss, like the fragrance of flowers, open in the deep canyons.

17、You are the joy of my life.

18、Ignorance of the humanistic wanted to do something good, only harm not light; Small magpie pull out my mother's feathers, thought thanked the gratefulness.
